Empowering Our Community
Our programs and services address social, economic, academic, and health inequities to reduce barriers of adversity.
Neighborhood Wellness Foundation
Navigating and Disrupting Intergenerational Trauma in Del Paso Heights and Surrounding Communities
Community Centered
Our services are expansive and constantly evolving to meet neighbors where they are. When people come to us with a need, we use all of our resources and connections to help.
Built on Trust

Building Healthier Communities One Neighbor at a Time
Built on a foundation of trust and understanding, our team addresses chronic toxic stress, legacies of incarceration, poverty, violence drug addition, and low educational attainment to improve lives and build resilience. Our programs and services focus on addressing the root cause of our disparities and finding pathways to improve and grow.
Impact Programs
Promoting healthier neighborhoods—socially, emotionally, physically, scholastically and economically.
We provide a safe space for our neighbors to understand how life experiences impact how brains grow in early childhood and how that affects the ability to envision choices. To appreciate how children and adults heal from childhood adversity, we need to understand how we live, how we cope with challenges and how stress affects us.
It’s Not What’s Wrong With Me
It’s What HAPPENED To MeIn 2022 we launched a School-Based Health Center (SBHC) at Grant High School, to improve the overall mental and physical health of students and community. We are working collaboratively with the staff and faculty to help build a school campus, a community where all feel welcomed, supported, and encouraged to thrive.
Low educational attainment and legacy of incarceration are interconnected and correlated to intergenerational trauma and poverty. We create an encouraging, empowering and welcoming place for students to learn and achieve. Our goal is to improve educational attainment through college matriculation and/or vocational education pursuits.
Restore Legacies is grounded in community restoration and provides a unique opportunity to break the legacy of incarceration and poverty. The goal is to disrupt intergenerational trauma and poverty by working with multiple family members for restorative justice, educational attainment, healing circles, vocational and workforce skill development and civic engagement. We have expanded our support to unhoused neighbors by providing food, clothing, Narcan, housing referral medical treatment and area clean up. 95838 is one of the highest areas impacted with fentanyl overdoses; we are providing harm reduction strategies including raising awareness, connectedness, healing circles, reversing overdoses and referrals to substance use disorder programs.